MHO Staff Newsletter July 4, 2022

Dear fam,
Whew! Nothing like a season of beginnings and ends to reflect back on the grind of the last year. Congratulations to all of our graduates!!! We could not be more proud watching you step into these next chapters. Thank you for your hard work and sacrifice and for empowering us all to be our best selves.
A huge thank you to the inaugural board members of the MHO. It’s been a wild year to undertake the creation of such a special organization. The vision, drive and love you all brought to the table was second to none.
And an eternal thank you to Dr. Christina Harris (who will be SORELY missed), to Yemi and Mel and Dr. Lovelee Brown who are the real MVPs behind the scenes leading MHO into this next year.
It has been a true pleasure to collate all of your celebrations and joy into this little newsletter. We excitedly pass the baton to our rising new CPD Committee Drs. Angellica Gordon, Christian Hernandez and Cecil Benítez.
Con mucho cariño,
Community and Professional Development Committee
Erica Manrriquez, Jennifer Bailey, Manal Khan and Precious Fortes