MHO Staff Newsletter March 7, 2022

Newsletter Welcome Message
Querida familia,
Happy spring! It’s hard to believe we are already 3 full monthsinto the calendar year. Much continues to play out in the world-from our surrounding neighborhoods to overseas - that maintains a constant state of uncertainty. As some of us enter and continue these Ramadan and Lenten seasons of reflection, we encourage everyone to focus their energy and time on strengthening existing support structures and self-care practices. As we watch the coming months slowly unfold intobloom, may we always remember that hope springs eternal.
We are so proud of all you have brought into 2022. Thank you forallowing us to share with our community your work and lives.For those of you with medical student mentees, please don’tforget to remind them about UCLA’s visiting rotationapplications (see individual department websites). These areexcellent ways to get an inside feel for programs and networkwith faculty and trainees.
As always, please remember that we are always around to grab asnack and chat! See you on the wards!
Community and Professional Development Committee Precious Fortes, Erica Manrriquez, Jennifer Bailey & Manal Khan
Flavors of the Week
Burritos La Palma

Want to be transported back to your abuelita’s kitchen? You’rein luck. Burritos La Palma has a Michelin Star (!) for evokingthis nostalgia in a good ole fashioned bean and cheese burrito.The tortillas are fresh and buttery, frijoles the perfect textureand the cheese a melty goodness. You may have to drive aminute since all locations are on the east side, but it’s worth it.Order a couple (they’re small!) with a Fanta on the side andcruise down memory lane. @burritoslapalma (Erica Manrriquez)
Honey's Kettle Fried Chicken

Continuing on the theme of feeding the soul, this spot is all inthe name. Local owner Chef Vinny makes a mean friedchicken and catfish. We are always suckers for a homemadebiscuit too. Wash it all down with the blueberry mintlemonade. The Culver City location is just 15 minutes from Westwood. Come hungry! @honeyskettle (Reza Hessabi)